Oooh.... You're making poets out of us Nelly!!! 😂 Looking forward to trying this one, and I too can only ever think of Jodie Comer when it comes to a Villanelle but I'll try to not let that get in the way.... 😂

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Phew. Was slightly nervous I was alone on that front 🤣

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Ooooh! I love villanelles. I've been feeling a bit of summer sluggishness and needing some inspiration. I was thinking a return to some closed forms might provide the structure I need to get back on track. Just the nudge I needed. Thank you, Nelly! And here's a link to a villanelle I wrote while back. Or it's mostly a villanelle. I take a few liberties. You can't always follow ALL the rules: https://open.substack.com/pub/connort/p/a-song-for-sunday?r=dvsrv&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The Dog Days of Summer

In languid heat the dog days slowly pass,

When summer's scorching breath holds earth in thrall.

The sun beats down on withered blades of grass.

The air hangs heavy like a leaden mass,

Oppressive stillness stifles like a pall.

In languid heat the dog days slowly pass.

Cicadas drone; their tempo will not last

Once August wanes toward cooler days of fall.

The sun beats down on withered blades of grass

That crunch like kindling, dry and sere. Alas,

Relief remains beyond the far-off squall.

In languid heat the dog days slowly pass.

Mirages shimmer, rippling like clear glass,

While distant clouds drift by in stately crawl.

The sun beats down on withered blades of grass.

At last the shadows lengthen and amass

As dusk descends with evening's welcome shawl.

In languid heat the dog days slowly pass.

The sun beats down on withered blades of grass.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Oh my goodness. Villanelles are lovely! I’m terrified! I only ever do free form but I am so intrigued to try. Poetry Pals is a delightful new find for me. Thanks!

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Oh wow, villanelles are TOUGH! We love a challenge though 🙌🏻 I’ve tried this form once before a few years ago but I definitely want to attempt to write another 😍

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Oh my days what is this Nelly?! 😂

Okay. This is going to take some time but I am looking forward to it. The ones you’ve shared are really beautiful and the repetition makes it super powerful. I think I’m going to start by writing the couplet and try and grow it from there 🤞🏻

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Ha, I know right. Urgh and also, 🤔

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I'm trying to make this the summer of villanelles! I really want to get more comfortable with form.

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Ooh the summer of villanelles!!! Hope you’ll come back on Friday and share one with us x

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Now how strict on half rhymes are we going to be on this?

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I have had a mega busy week so hopefully I’ll get time to try a villanelle over the weekend

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But I love the ones I’ve read

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