Learn a new skill: I probably won’t. Not out of a desire to flout someone else’s dream, but because I have a hard time reading the directions for a new board game. My sixteen-year-old had to step in as a ringer for “Dixit” yesterday because I couldn’t understand how to play, even while reading the instructions.
Practice mindful eating: Sometimes when I’m really hungry, I eat so fast that I bite the inside of my cheek and it swells up, so that I keep biting it over and over again for a few days. I’d like to avoid that, but I’m not sure that’s what mindful eating is. I’m not trying to make fun; I just don’t think I will learn how to do it. Maybe I should?
Keep a journal: I won’t. I’m not anti-journal. But I kept a journal for years and years and years, since I was a little kid into adulthood, and then slowly I didn’t want to anymore. I’d love to be able to forgive myself for not being a journaling person anymore. Let myself off the hook.
Weight loss: I would like to be healthier. But I’m finding that no matter how I exercise, I don’t seem to lose weight at this point in my life. And I’m so tired of trying.
Smoking cessation: I already don’t smoke. Nailed it!
I related to the description of cocooning. It's not postcard picture stuff but my goodness I have enjoyed doing a lot less, particularly since Christmas.
I wrote a little bit about this a few days ago but we have a tradition of writing hopes for the year on New Years Eve and I keep them safe and the next December 31st we read them and write some new ones. We just tonight decided that there is no reason we can’t add more to it through the year because hopes all year round 😊
I love this idea and your poem. You describe my week between Christmas and New Year’s perfectly, minus the kids. There was a lovely sense of comfort cocooning.
New Year’s unresolutions
Learn a new skill: I probably won’t. Not out of a desire to flout someone else’s dream, but because I have a hard time reading the directions for a new board game. My sixteen-year-old had to step in as a ringer for “Dixit” yesterday because I couldn’t understand how to play, even while reading the instructions.
Practice mindful eating: Sometimes when I’m really hungry, I eat so fast that I bite the inside of my cheek and it swells up, so that I keep biting it over and over again for a few days. I’d like to avoid that, but I’m not sure that’s what mindful eating is. I’m not trying to make fun; I just don’t think I will learn how to do it. Maybe I should?
Keep a journal: I won’t. I’m not anti-journal. But I kept a journal for years and years and years, since I was a little kid into adulthood, and then slowly I didn’t want to anymore. I’d love to be able to forgive myself for not being a journaling person anymore. Let myself off the hook.
Weight loss: I would like to be healthier. But I’m finding that no matter how I exercise, I don’t seem to lose weight at this point in my life. And I’m so tired of trying.
Smoking cessation: I already don’t smoke. Nailed it!
I already don’t smoke 🤣. I love the idea of setting yourself resolutions that you already don’t do!!!
😁 I have to admit, I giggled while I wrote that one 😁.
I resolve
not to care
about what I need to do
in arbitrary timescales.
If my time
comes along
on the first day of NEW YEAR,
let it be thankful for fluke—
if it needs
my resolve,
which I'm not sure that it does.
That's fine. The feeling's mutual.
Gave me a lovely little chuckle this one xx
Oh my goodness I didn't get a chocolate orange! How did I not get a chocolate orange???
Unbelievable. Although u can get them year round almost now. I hear.
How? Just how? Do you have chocolate orange left?!
It's unnatural!
Completely 😮
It was my fourth one 👀. The job is now done
I related to the description of cocooning. It's not postcard picture stuff but my goodness I have enjoyed doing a lot less, particularly since Christmas.
It’s such a relief isn’t it.
And yes, still playing! Great prompt.
I wrote a poem! 🙌🏻❤️
2025 is my year of this - prioritising spaces I love, that bring me joy, ignoring the rest of the internet
Thanks Nelly 😍and everyone else, I’ve loved reading these this morning
Yeah you did. And your name coming up made me smile btw. Xxx
I wrote a little bit about this a few days ago but we have a tradition of writing hopes for the year on New Years Eve and I keep them safe and the next December 31st we read them and write some new ones. We just tonight decided that there is no reason we can’t add more to it through the year because hopes all year round 😊
Mmm nice. I like this. And hope is so much gentler than resolution with all that loftiness
I love this idea and your poem. You describe my week between Christmas and New Year’s perfectly, minus the kids. There was a lovely sense of comfort cocooning.
I love this:
I smile, sip my expresso, and decide
to excel at procrastinating excellence,
marking this moment as the first day
of another year of being beautifully,
imperfectly, stubbornly human.