Thank you Nelly for these poems! <3 I love them all, especially the Yrsa Daley-Ward one. Reminds me of a couple of my girlfriends! "Wearing nothing but lipstick the color of desire". So great!

This weeks collection reminded me of a poem(prose poem?) I wrote on the similar topic, goes like this:

I could slide down this stone staircase, like her favorite cloth. Face, dress, body and all. Hair would follow, I would flow down the stone, rounded and warm from the summer day. I could take a stroll down my own clavicles, on my tiptoes like a dancer, deliver this body wrapped in a dress like a gift.

I could. But I am not going to.

Instead I sit on the staircase, supple and soft. Sipping on wine and glances of people wondering. My left shoe already lost to the abyss, of just one step below. Palm fallen, giddy from the perfume. I think of my mother, and how she could only ever yearn for words spoken by dead poets.

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I actually got goosebumps reading this last line Katarina. What an ending. Thanks for sharing it with us ❤️

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That last stanza is powerful. And a 'left shoe lost to the abyss, of just one step below,' is genius. The best thing I've read this week. The comments section is where it's all at.

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Hahaha :D thank you so much I appreciate it! <3

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I love how I can picture this perfectly in my head

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This is so evocative and powerful, Katarina, I really enjoyed it 😍

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What a scene you've created! The last line is really powerful.

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“. I think of my mother, and how she could only ever yearn”

I think this often too, thank you for sharing ❤️

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This is beautiful

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Beautiful, Katarina. I really felt 'I could. But I'm not going to' x

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Jul 5Liked by Nelly Bryce

I adore all those poems so much! Kim Addonizio and Kate Baer are always winners ❤️

This was an extremely quick and rough first draft, but I loved Steph’s prompt and I love Steph’s collection too! 😍🩸

Day 15

I want hands in my hair,

tongue on my skin.

To feel every nerve ending

fizzing with possibility.

I learnt to let go of the shame

a long time ago: the boys

who coveted and derided

my sexuality as a teenager

hardened me to all the accusations

of “Slut!” which would be thrown

my way over the years.

I wear my desire as a badge

now; a sign of my carnal human self


I am alive

I am alive

I am alive.

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Oh my goodness yes Ellen. I look back now and wonder whether I always had times in the month like this but never recognised them as such. Did I really have so little connection with my body growing up? Love this. Thanks for making me ponder this morning x

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It’s so interesting isn’t it, I notice so many things now - maybe it all does get more intense with age, or perhaps more likely as I don’t take hormonal contraceptives anymore?! I don’t know!

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The pill removes our 'inner seasons' and we don't ovulate which means we don't get the. summer high so you'll definitely be experiencing the delicious, full spectrum of it all now! YES! xx

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You had me at "I want hands in my hair"

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Ah those days, halcyon and wonderful.

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I adore this. The structure but also the message. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Wonderful Ellen x

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Yess I can feel the energy of your words 🔥 And to end with the repetition is so evocative of the breath of excitement and what you yourself call the carnal human self proclamation - I am alive!!

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Ahh thank you for this lovely comment! 😍

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Love this, Ellen. Here's to wearing our desire as a badge. And I love the repetition of 'I am alive'. To be fully alive is to own all our desires! xx

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Love it Ellen 🔥

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This is such a great prompt. I'm getting this in under the wire and will be back to read everyone's poems tomorrow!

--Day one--


I want to sleep. Sleep and sleep.

Two weeks ago I thought about making love

constantly, fervently, with total concentration.

Now I want sleep and a heating pad, warm cat

curled against my side as I nap in a dark bed

eye cover pulled over my face, masking day

into night. I want red wine and a bit of oblivion.


Tonight, things aren’t so bad. I’m still a human

and not a red river. Tomorrow, I will start hobbling

as if the aging process happens all in one day

and by nightfall, I will be an old woman

bent in bed against the cramps that crash

and burn my body into an ashy log.


Day three will be the same. By day four, I will want

to think there’s life again beyond the toilet stall

and Advil bottle, rattling red beans against white walls

and Tylenol joining them, a long white pill with two round

red ones, phallic in the palm of my hand.


I want this to end, but I know the end of the end

will come with its own grief, its own passing

from womanhood that brings babies

to womanhood that has moved beyond them:

a new dimension, a different self, red bird rising

from a bed of glowing coal.

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It is just jam packed with realness. Demanded a second read. And the last line 👌You’ve inspired me to try a little something for myself too. Thank you x

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Thank you for making this space (you and @Stephanie Moore).

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So good 👏. ‘By day four, I will want

to think there’s life again beyond the toilet stall

and Advil bottle’

This is so true. Gosh, what women endure alongside the expectation to just be a smiling linear line 😱

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“Gosh, what women endure alongside the expectation to just be a smiling linear line”—hear, hear!

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Reading this, I've definitely got it easy, since my babies I don't get cramps any more. I love how your poem circles in on itself going from horny to barren following a woman's monthly/life cycle. Aren't we amazing! (Taps self on back.)

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The last part of your comment cracked me up. We are amazing! (Gives self hug.)

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Haha especially as it should have read a clap on the back! (Gives self a slap on the wrist.)

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Margaret- I can so feel the day 'oneness' of this poem in all of my being! I loved the sleep in direct comparison to the constant thoughts of making love only a couple. of weeks ago. The magnitude of our differing wants- it's extraordinary...WE are extraordinary! x

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Thank you, Stephanie! It was such a cool, thoughtful prompt, and I love how you asked us to consider the day we were on as the starting point.

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Oh, I know this feeling. And the "rattling red beans against white walls" and the expectation of the grief of not having this particular pain anymore is so evocative for me.

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Thank you, A. I’m glad it made emotional sense to you. It’s been really freeing to write poems about my cycle and all the strangeness that comes with it. I spent so many years feeling ashamed, never talking to anyone about it.

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Thanks to you and Steph for such brilliant inspiration this week. My response got unexpectedly raw and it is a testament to this group that I feel safe enough to share it here. It is a lengthier poem than I usually post - and I probably will edit it again in the future, but here is my piece:



I was a drum like child

Marching in beat with myself

More imagination than any book on my shelf

Until, one day, they told me I was lunar

No sooner had I found my rhythm,

I missed a beat

Forced to be discreet

Once a month

Stunned, I was confronted with silence

Patriarchal alliances that confined us

To carry pain and smile

Distracting me with magazines about style

All the while selling me short

Of solutions and support

I wasn’t alone

But the world made it feel so

My part of my own show became smaller

I was falling

I failed to find any tribe

Lost passion and drive

As love passed me by

No heart beats skipped

Time slipped away

Restricted my choices

Replaced them with changes

That cannot be reversed

No rehearsal

The next phase has unfurled

Maze like

Requiring me to find myself again

So now I read words from pens of women

Who have done all this before

Sharing with candour that this part is not like riding a bike,

When these cycles stop

They do not lap shore like


This is a one way track with time

And when it hits noon

The moon will simply move on

As we experience our own coastal erosion

It is the words of all the women who have spoken

That guide me to reclaim myself

And fight all of this internalised shame

No two stories I read are replicas

But there is comfort in connecting us

Back with ourselves

I am learning to take joy in my beat becoming erratic

This is my remix era

Where words of strangers feel like cheerleaders

That mute my inner monologue

Stop it running through a back catalogue of moves I can no longer make

I may finally learn, to give myself a break

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This is brilliance 🙌

‘Patriarchal alliances that confined us

To carry pain and smile’…and so many more lines that are 👌. Thank you for writing this Lisa x

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thank you for reading it.. I was nervous sharing it

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I felt like I could hear you reading this to me, Lisa, I feel like it needs reading aloud and witnessing 🔥

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I do write with the rhythm in mind maybe I’ll put on my own page with a voice recording at some point.

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I’d love to hear it read out loud, the half rhymes (not sure if official term but u know what I mean) are glorious. This is one of those poems that will have women the world over nodding. I’m so grateful that you shared it with us. And so happy this feels like a safe place to do so. I feel the same ❤️

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Please do!! 🙏

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SO powerrful, Lisa. So many brilliant lines and imagery but I keep coming back to 'this is my remix era- HELL YESSS! Thank you for sharing so vulnerably xx

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Lisa this has made me feel really emotional. It’s beautiful ❤️

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I love this, Lisa. The rhythm throughout really compliments the subject, and the imagery! It's so powerful.

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These poems are fabulous! I didn’t have time to write but I’m going to take one of these to my solstice writing group tomorrow!

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I do love that particular Mary Oliver poem but I think I the Kate Baer one is my favourite - you are not a good girl… I’ll hold the door for you ❤️

This is what came up for me this week -

#24 I want this:

Billy Joel dared me to

dream that they all could not

come true and so I strive

every day

to prove him


On my last sunshine day

of this life I do not wish

to feel rested.

On my last sunshine day

of this life I do instead hope

to feel exhausted

worn out


On my last sunshine day

of this life my dream is

to sit

in the leftover pulp

of the squeezed dry

orange of my existence

and feel so full

and so complete and so

ready that there is nothing

left to do but to throw it

in the bin and leave.

Billy Joel was not a

prophet and I will not

slow down because

I want this.

I want it all.

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Oh this is just gorgeous! The repetition of that first line that will stick in my head, the fruit imagery, the whole thing. I really like this a lot 🥰

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Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️

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A ode to living life to the full, how joyous.

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This is wonderful Zoe, what a brilliant hope ❤️😍

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What a beautiful sentiment to want to feel exhausted from living, and what a powerful image of the squeezed oranges to go with it. Lovely!! 🍊🍊🍊

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Was definitely inspired by Wendy Cope 😍

Thank you 🙏🏼

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Brilliant, Zoe. 'to sit / n the leftover pulp/ of the squeezed fry/ orange of my existence- Incredible!! And I love the idea that the feeling of being word out can be the feeling of being ready rather than in need of rest. Thank you for sharing x

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So so wonderful x

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I love this Zoe 🧡

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Oh, I love this.

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I wrote this one earlier this spring, but this would have been around day 19 of my cycle.


One taste

of my hands

in the soil

and I'm hooked,


biding my time

until I get to climb

back in, and the waiting

makes me squirm.

I want to feel

the earth, firm

in my fingers

again. Please

sever me

from whatever

tethers me to

anything that is not

this patch of dirt.

It hurts

to be pulled

apart, and kept

separate from

the thing that is

most nourishing

to my soul;

let me go.

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Wow 🤩

I love the structure - I struggle to write like this and you’ve done it so well here. Thank you for sharing that 🙏🏼

But also, that last stanza. I feel that pain of being torn from the things that nourish me. You’ve worded it so perfectly

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Oh lovely. I really like the flow of it on the ‘page’, the way my eyes are taken on a beautiful winding path 🥰

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Thank you! I know depending on the browser/app the formatting may not hold, but I figured I'd share it that way just in case.

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I love this - so vivid

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I love how visceral this is 😍

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Oh, and because I always seem to forget to answer about the poems you share: I really enjoyed each of them - they all hit me a bit differently, and I don't think I could pick a favourite (which is often the case for me).

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So succinct yet profound! I can see how this aligns with the feelings of day 19 as 'the waiting makes us squirm'...coming down from that summer high we long to be back in solid ground, re-rooting ourselves for the possible volatility of inner Autumn. x

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Oo, deep in there this one.

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Oh I love these choices Nelly.

I’ve been resenting not having the space to give this brilliant theme the time it deserves this week (you can prob tell by my words of frustration below!)… *huffs as she has to stop reading this thread to do the school run!*

- When Women Say No -

Where do the demands on her stop?

Where do her own needs even start?

Like a ball of wool whose end can’t be found,

Threads so tightly wound she can’t uncover her beginning.

Exhaustion burns in her being through centuries of having to bend to yes.

When a woman says no

She’s suddenly a




‘not coping’



But her no is

intuition rising

to the surface with power

the internal scream no longer silenced

‘keeping the peace’ released in the quest for *real* peace

Her no a gateway to her true yes

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I have to echo that "her no is intuition rising" is so powerful, Ange. I really understand the frustration with the interruptions - I'm experiencing one right now. 🙄😅

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But her no is … to the surface with power 😘

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Oh, Ange, this resonates so deeply - as I’m sure it will with many of us. Thank you for sharing 🙌🏻 I love the ball of wool image 🧶

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Thanks Ellen (and great emoji!)

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This really resonated, Ange. The rawness of your rage jumps off the page and you articulate what so many of us feel on a regular basis. Do you mind me asking if you know what day you were on? Feels very autumnal/wintery. Thank you for sharing xx

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Winter arrived the day after!! 🍂 🔥 🥶

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“Where do her own needs even start?”

I love everything about this, Ange. Thank you 🙏🏼

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What a great selection, Kim's is my favourite, I need to check out more of her writing. I didn't get around to writing something new for the prompt. I'll offer this one instead. It's more on the theme of cravings than desire.


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Oh I absolutely love this Treasa!!! So glad you shared it ❤️

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Thanks so much for the read and kind comment Ellen.

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Treasa this is perfection 😍 it’s made me feel something I can’t quite name yet - thank you for sharing

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Thanks so much Zoe. I feel a whole lot of cringe with this one, but I'm trying to own it by sharing.

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Lovely ☺️

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Such a poignant piece. Love the section on seeking refuge. That is EXACTLY what we're attempting to do. Thank you for sharing xx

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Nelly this post is delicious! Thanks for sharing these emboldened poems!

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https://open.substack.com/pub/tamchennell/p/poetry-pals-week-24-poetry-that-wants?r=2mh4vu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web My rather long contribution is here, a long form poem cos been experimenting with such, though I’ve now moved onto haibuns.

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Loved it

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I really enjoyed reading this and seeing you try a different form. I also felt it mirrored some of what I’d thought of this week and I liked that 😊

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Great minds, you know, always thinking alike. ☺️

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Tamsin I was completely absorbed by this, I really love what you did with it 😍

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“I want red wine and a bit of oblivion.” - this is my PMS wish list too.

I love what you’ve done with this. I love the phallic pharmaceutical visual too - there’s a message there that is strong and needed

and I love how it speaks to so much change in such a short time.

Thank you 🙏🏼

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About to sit down with a coffee and read all these wanting responses. 🔥 x Thank you for sharing your words x

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Your prompt was 🔥 x

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She Lingers in Fragrance

In a room where light bends softly through the glass,

perfume waits—

a quiet, treacherous thing.

Not loud.

Not like the wreckage of afternoons

that left us breathless and red,

but like a whisper that knows your name

without asking.

It starts with bergamot;

a crisp, citrus soliloquy

that speaks of sunlit rooms

and forgotten letters in old drawers.

There is a cleverness to its entrance,

the way it curls around the collar,


a philosopher musing on the skin.

Follow the scent to vetiver,

deep and thrumming below,

like a cello in the pit of the night.

It tells you things you shouldn't hear—

of earth, damp and raw,

of roots that clutch secrets,


And then, the jasmine,

a sudden, white-hot flame of flowers.

It's almost too much,

how it demands to be felt

as if it could undo the buttons of your dress,

one petal at a time,

each a sigh

and a scream.

This is how scent talks to us—

not in words,

but in pulses,

in the sudden leap of the heart

when a door opens

and the world shifts,

just slightly,

into the shape of someone you used to love.

It’s the kind of communication

that happens

in the gaps between moments,

when you catch a trace of something

like memory,

or desire,

or perhaps just the shadow of the afternoon

turning into evening,

turning into something you can't quite catch.

This perfume,

it doesn’t just sit quietly on your wrist,

it walks through the halls of your loneliness,


turning everything it touches

into a story about longing.

About the infinite space

between molecules of air,

and skin,

and the next breath

that might just

change everything.

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Oohhh 'To Take Back a Life' - how gutsy ❤️

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Oh I love these pins but my favourite? The red dress! ✨

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