May 19·edited May 19Liked by Nelly Bryce

Got to admit Nelly when you posted this I cursed you. As an autist friendships have always been painful and disappointing and I initially wrote this.



Go the fuck away.


But I have calmed my initial response and found something I can work with, but be prepared it will be vitriolic.

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I’m looking forward to reading it ❤️

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Me too!!!

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I read this fantastic post while lounging in my hammock, then put down my phone and pondered the prompt of "lost friendships" while gazing into the blue and white sky. A few friends came to mind that have been lost to time, to the miles between us, to life moving too fast for us to catch up. No bad blood, just so much space you get lost in it. One friend in particular rose to mind - and literally, She Called Me Right Then! She's been traveling, bought a house in another state, and we haven't spoken in about 10 months - but she is now in town for a few weeks and thought to call while driving. We chatted for 30 minutes and set a date to get together soon.

Thank you, Nelly Bryce, for this prompt as it allowed my focused energy to go out into the world, reaching through space and time, to connect with my lost friend's soul. From lost to found. Thank you.

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Oh I love this Katie. I have this with my oldest friend who lives a while away. I know if I think about her she’ll suddenly ring. Happens all the time. It makes me happy. Now to find me a hammock ☺️

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This seems like a natural next step from the poetry gathering. Lots to think about!

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I realise that I’m finding writing poetry cathartic and I think this weeks theme will help process a missing friendship that I have mixed feelings about. Thank you

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Beautiful. I think having a talent for friendship is hugely under-valued in our world xo

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“A talent for friendship” is a great description

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So pleased you quoted Winnie-the-Pooh. This is a thought-provoking post. 🌱

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Hmm. 🤔 hmm 🤔 hmm 🧐

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A delightful theme!! 😍

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Love the quotes! And in the invitation.

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