I initially thought ‘I don’t really write about food’ BUT then caught myself in my own lie to myself… as one of my earliest poems that people liked is all about the humble Dorito 😆😆😆 I also love Wendy Cope’s Orange so I will use this prompt as a tool to write my second poem about food

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Your Dorito poem is still very clear in my head!!!! 😍

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Food and poetry, who would have thought?!

A delicious combination for sure.

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Ooh, poetry and food. Didn't see that one coming. 😋

Déjà food. 😉

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Thanking you 😉

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Food eh? Well now then!

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The grapefruit poem has taken me down a wonderful moment of reminiscing of my grandad and his love of all things sweet and i have manage to write a poem. when I was only going to read the prompt and then I was just going to do some free writing and then all of a sudden I had a poem that i will hopefully share on friday. I am so enjoying these prompts on a monday. I was always scared that i would never have anything to say on any prompts that was set actually it is often the exact opposite I have to much to say. Thank you Nelly for being brave and setting poetry pals up, by the end of janurary I had had read and written more poems then i had in the previous year. And i am now sharing them.

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I cannot wait to read it Mamie and all of this makes me so happy. Congratulations on all the poetry. I’m so thrilled to have found others who enjoy poetry as much as me 🥰

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I love food in poems! The poems you've chosen are fabulous. I wrote an Old to Pomelo once so I was particularly taken by "Meditations on a Grapefruit." I love fruit in season, so totally with you on the peaches ... and nectarines, crisp apples in fall and then persimmons...I feel a poem coming on.

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Nelly, I didn't know the Cornelius Eady poem. THANK YOU. Loved this xo

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Isn’t it just magnificent, I can’t read it enough times!

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Worth that wait. Delish. 👌

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For sure I didn't see that one coming 😊😄

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Right?!?!? Xx

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