‘…this community has such a strong, beating heart that you can drop in and out without feeling ‘behind.’ When you’re free to play you can share and/or respond to others and when you’re not, that’s ok.’ 🤍

Hope you had a good break/change/time away Nelly xx

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hilariously my brain is flooded by simplifying the complex. whether i get to writing a whole piece or just some (hopefully) beautiful bones. i will try and share my thoughts on friday. but your prompt has difinately done that.

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Some beautiful bones of something, marvellous

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I love the poem Same. Thank you :)

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Oh my days. I missed this post entirely yesterday and the weekend has brought more of the 50% bad to my online door. I was not prepared to read this, this morning 🥹😭❤️ literally sobbing 😂 thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️

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Needed both these poems today Nelly xo

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