I have a few ideas to explore from my journalling.. life has been very busy this week so not explored as much as I would like but for now here is 'success metrics of a peri-menopausal woman'

Today I woke with no joint or muscle pain

I almost felt like I was in my own body again

My glasses were exactly were I left them

My memory returned like a gift from heaven

I remembered it all, key facts, names and nouns

I found myself with a brain that wasn't failing

And my mood was steady, my day was plain sailing

No anger, tears or anxiety

I felt in charge of my own destiny

It was all such a welcome change

At this stage of life

When nothing you used to know makes sense

And you wonder if it ever will again

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Lisa, I HEAR YOU!! “I almost felt like I was in my own body again”. Yes x

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the funny thing is today was not one of these days - ha ha - I thought hrt had helped me me but as an earlier poem revealed my diet has gone to pot so my body is telling me to sort it out in a much stronger way these days !

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Beautiful ❤️ thank you for sharing 🙏🏼

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Thank you for writing this. this is a poem of hope for me. After a 6+month battle with my GP I have finally been given HRT. I hope the words that soothe my soul and are true for me too.

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Well done - I found it a huge breakthrough for me .. still working through it all - as all doctors are I have learned too!

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I found myself exhaling amid the truth of it all.

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Relatable! Love seeing words about peri-menopause 👏

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I have just got to the stage of accepting it is happening and have decided to talk about it more as I know I recognised more about what was happening because other women a few years older than me shared stories about it and then the relief of finding people to talk to about it is palpable.

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Oh Lisa this is such a good way of exploring that feeling when our body or hormones don’t feel aligned with our brains! Love the rhythm in it too ❤️

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I relate to a lot of this thanks to chronic illnesses and pmdd. Feeling good is always such a welcome change.

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Didn’t we lose the genetic lottery being born into a female body, those flipping hormones have a lot of answer for, why desert us so completely? Why not hang around and keep the body working properly?

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I am truly astonished about how much I have learned about the importance of hormones for way more than reproductive health since I they have started to deplete

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I wish we were actually taught this stuff

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Oo, been there. (Unsolicited advice - therefore ignore at will - try lions mane tablets for brain fog)

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I’m happy with unsolicited advice when helpful! Thanks Tamsin

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I adore ‘Gods list of liquids’, so pleased you kept that in, Nelly. Here’s my offering. And now I have inspiration to go play more.


Success Metrics for the Chronically Ill


Peeling an orange

in one twisting twirling go

citrus essence on the air


Breathing the summer breeze

scented by roses and foxgloves

sunshine dappling the day


Kissing your delightful lips

smooth, soft, and luscious

drinking you in daily


Crisp warm toast dripping

in butter and local honey

tasting of heather and rain


The ache in my heart

when we are forced apart

sharp and desperate


The bliss in my heart

when we are reunited again

blooming, blossoming, bold.

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Stunning imagery (as always!!!) Mmm just delicious

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Thank you ☺️ I think I’m going to re- order those verses.

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Absolutely gorgeous

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Muchly thanks ☺️

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I could taste that roast, Tamsin ❤️

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You’ve transported me, yet again, Tamsin! And being one who also deals with chronic illness, there’s something especially powerful with this luscious imagery written under this title.

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Thank you. Sometimes it’s easy to think there is no success to write of when all you did was stay alive. (And I did write a different one about that very thing.)

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Oh Tamsin this is gorgeous, I adore the imagery and how evocative it feels. Lush!

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I love how simple this imagery is and how luxurious it feels.

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Jun 28Liked by Nelly Bryce

Ooh gorgeous poems. I love the list of liquids!!

This was such a lovely prompt, but I didn’t really get the chance to do it justice: so I haven’t really done the editing phase of this list!

Success metrics

(after Nelly Bryce)

A soundtrack of gentle thwacks and dramatic groans

as my parents and my children play cricket.

Cooking a meal for our family, giving my husband

a tiny bit of the nourishment he’s given me.

A full page in a notebook — the nexus

of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Knowing exactly what I want to say; delivering my words without my voice shaking.

Sitting in the shade on a bright summer’s day with a book, disappearing into another realm.

The butterflies in my belly at the touch

of his hand on my thigh.

Those rare occasions I win at Mario Kart.

My daughter planting kisses on my cheek,

professing her love without a hint

of self consciousness or fear.

The pop of a champagne cork — the nexus

of celebration and indulgence.

A fully realised idea, out of my head, into the world.

Laughing so hard I end up in tears

or wiping sweat from my brow after dancing

my heart out — essentially,

living: open hearted and unapologetic.

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This list just made me smile throughout. Isn’t that a gift of a thing. Thanks x

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Ahh, thank you 🥰

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‘living: open hearted and unapologetic’ - what an anthem to live by ❤️🔥🙏🏼

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Yes my favourite line too

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It would be - I definitely don't do enough of this type of living. Lovely poem Ellen x

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Lovely, Ellen. The fully realised idea coming into the world, and your daughters kisses 😘

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So satisfying when something I’ve planned or thought about is finally a tangible thing!! I had it at work today and it felt great 😂

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Wonderful, Ellen. So, so wonderful.

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Thank you 🥰

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Those rare occasions I win at Mario Kart 👌😊

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Obviously the biggest achievement on the list 😂😂

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This is so lovely. I also really love that last line.

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Loved reading these Nelly & the lovely creations in the comments.

Mine feels unfinished but this is where it is at the moment…


Another neighbourhood dog’s name learnt.

“We missed you last week”

Gentle moments of connection that my nervous system stacks as goodness.

The thrill of time spent with something I love.

Changing pace without guilt.

Room to grow. Room to shrink.

Doing right not ‘being right’

A collective shift where no one quite knows who to credit.

Names praised when they’re not in the room.

The drawer I sorted yesterday smiling at me with every smug slide open.

Quiet plodding.

Steady encouragement.

Declining things without needing to give an excuse.

Accepting things without needing feel responsible.

No gurus here.

Compassion for the eyes in the mirror.

Urgency is not the driving force.

Predictable space for rest and ‘non-production’




Capacity for today.

Hope for tomorrow.

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oh I love this list. Hopeful, kind, honest and truthful. This is the list of success I needed to hear this week. Feeling once again like a failure because of chronic Illness's and now the joy of finally being given HRT. Hoping and praying it will make some difference to this tired and weary soul and body. Your whole body made me feel seen. Thank you for writing again.

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Thank you Mamie 🥰

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“We missed you last week”

This line made me well up 🥹 thank you for sharing 🙏🏼❤️

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LOVE! Oh, this is so expansive, Ange!

“Gentle moments of connection that my nervous system stacks as goodness.” <— This.

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Oh Ange - “we missed you last week” 😭❤️ gorgeous!

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This is like a hug. "We missed you last week" had me pausing right at the beginning, and I love that you finished with "Capacity for today./ Hope for tomorrow." "Names praised when they're not in the room" is such a beautiful example of people who are secure in themselves and have meaningful relationships with other people. I love how you honour yourself, your body, and others here.

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Thank you for such thoughtful feedback ❤️

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Capacity for today, Hope for tomorrow 😘😘😘

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The Simple Truth 😍 is like the smell of frying onions and garlic. And your biggest surprise comes after yes and my flesh is a sieve! What a party, I loved it. Thank you 🙏🏼

Here’s mine from this weeks prompt, it’s a bit weird

#23 Success Metrics:

Zoe started her life at Eldon Grove Primary school where she made not a great deal of lifelong friends. She studied at many universities and never really enjoyed any of them. This eulogy is the wrong way round as she had her first baby to a man never to be mentioned again and her second to her husband, whom we hope will have a longer shelf life. We are not sure of her accolades, she never worked in the same place for more than five minutes and generally found life to be difficult. However, upon passing, it was found that her attic contained many a box of found things. A handle-less mug, well used, and a not insurmountable pile of tiny rocks collected from sandy beaches by small, curious eyes. A favourite book, dog-eared at the best parts and a jumper held together only by embroidery thread and holes. There are mountains of notebooks filled with plans achieved and forgotten and so. many. dreams. And so, whilst I cannot stand here today and sermon you on what I may or may not surmise to be a life full of achievement, I can present you with a mountain of memories - please, each of you, choose the best one for you to keep.

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Oh Zoe, I love where you went with this. Such a clever concept. ❤️❤️

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Oh wow, Zoe. What a creative approach to the prompt! How powerful to consider what it would be like to write an obituary that uses our own metrics of success - to let the story of our life be on our own terms.

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Wonderfully delicate and honest x

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I love this completely. The jumper is sublime. And just such a different for, to what I normally see from you. 😘

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‘Please each of you choose the best one for you to keep’ 🤍. Love the direction you took this Zoe.

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This is just beautiful, Zoe.

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I loved this prompt but struggled a bit with following it. Last night I decided to dig back into my list and try to make it into an actual poem, and exactly one line picked itself up and ran full speed in a somewhat different direction, and when I went back to the original list, this is what was left - I focused specifically on things I'd like to "accomplish" by the end of the year(I feel like I'll do more playing around with this idea in the future):

Empty film packets and

pages full of poetry.

A well-worn library card and

the feeling of wearing something cozy

that I made with my own hands,

a gift to myself.

A list of newly-familiar plants and birds and

a practice of rest.

The approach of a chickadee and

the retreat of anything that does not bring me peace.

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Thank you for sharing it with us, and the process for it becoming as it is! I love how you’ve given “a gift to myself” it’s own line. That really stood out to me and felt like a message I needed to read. Thanks x

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I really enjoyed this ✨ I’d like to play with writing my own list for the end of year

Imagine writing a poem instead of making a vision board 😍

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Love the bit about making yourself a gift to wear

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I've made lots of little things for other people while I've been learning to knit and crochet and for some reason making things for myself has felt harder. I'm trying to remind myself it's worth it to spend time on those projects as a gift to future me.

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It’s definitely something we crafters need to learn to do.

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Lovely! I found myself expecting quite a different list of “accomplishments” and felt such a rush of peace and freedom reading each line. I’ve been struggling with managing my “goals” for the rest of the year and I’m inspired to turn it all on its head. Thank you for this.

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I've been working hard on adjusting my expectations the last few years (late-realized neurodivergence, chronic illness, and small children will do that😅). I still have plenty of "to do" lists and goals, but they mostly feature things that bring me joy and peace now, and I think there's something to that in itself.

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‘Empty film packets and

pages full of poetry.

A well-worn library card…’ - really lovely tribute to the small things that make us us 🤍

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This is gorgeous! It really made me smile, I especially love the opening and the mention of a library card 🙌🏻 (I work at a library 😂)

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I think it was the first thing in the original list. I was an English major before I burned out and wasn't able to read much for about a decade, so I feel like I'm making up for lost time😅

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Hi all! Approaching this week’s prompt from a journaling start really helped the get the ball rolling. And then I felt a little stuck moving into a list from there so I ended up with more of a narrative poem. Thoughts and critique welcome :)


I remember my first photography exhibit

How proud I was

Of that big, beautiful canvas

My vision and heart on display

And I remember

The couple who walked through

Fresh from the gym down the hall

Waving a sweaty hand of dismissal

Scoffing at the image I made

The one I thought was so lovely

That I decided to take it home

And exhibit it on my own walls

An act of defiance

In the face of their derision

It is a funny thing, to me

That their random rejection

Did not deter me, this time

Or send me spiraling

Into shame and self-loathing

For I trusted myself, for once

My vision, my heart - a brilliant success

Even if, to no one but me.

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Here’s to trusting yourself, always ❤️

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Erin, I love this - such an important point that success needs to be our own definition. And our art doesn’t need to be appealing or exciting for anybody else, it’s always valuable regardless ❤️ (though I’m sure it’s a beautiful canvas and I love your reclamation of it 😍)

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I love that, Ellen. Now, to just remind myself of its inherent value every time!

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I love this glimpse into the past, and how you were able to use it to build resilience instead of making yourself smaller.

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Thank you, Alicia. 🙏 ❤️

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This is a little cheater-pants-ish of me, but I found myself thinking again and again of this poem when I read the prompt, so here it is. It's old, and then revised, and then re-revised. https://margaretannsilver.substack.com/p/happiness

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Really glad you did. I’m the same with some prompts, they take me back to old poems. I really enjoyed it, thank you x

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Thank you, Nelly. I like going back to old poems too. It can be startling but also refreshing.

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Oh Margaret that’s so lovely. The extraordinary ordinary days bring so much happiness ❤️❤️

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Thank you, Ellen! It’s an older poem now, but one that makes me so happy to look back on. Things were messy and good (not that they’re clean and bad now, but a little less complicated then!).

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Sometimes it's nice to revisit an old poem, especially when a prompt reminds you of it. I don't think of it as cheating. I'm glad you shared, this one is beautiful.

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Thank you, A. I shouldn’t use the word “cheating” because I would never see it that way if someone else did it! I think I just felt a little bummed that I didn’t have a freshly minted one to offer. My kids are out of school now, so writing time is more limited than before.

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NEVER overly effusive, Nelly. I am so glad you share what you do. Those poems are gorgeous. Time got away from me this week, but I might have an old poem that works or I may get some time tomorrow to write 💛. Thank you for this space!

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Love this memory, and your upbeat defiance.

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LOVE that liquids poem - thanks for sharing

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