Hey lovely people 👋🏻 Is this where you want us to introduce ourselves Nelly? Otherwise, I can be the person who arrives at the party, thinking it’s fancy dress but it’s not 🫣

I’m Jane- I live on the South Island of New Zealand. Most of my writing is done on a fold out desk I bought in a state of excitement at a second hand shop that I merrily lug around following the sun (within the area of my office or garden!) I can position outside, near the window- wherever I want. I think it might be the best thing I’ve ever bought.

Poetry- literally just downloaded an Emily Dickinson audible collection of poems because there were so many haven’t heard but have been reading the paragraph poems of Naomi Shihab Nye in Mint Snowball.

Thanks for all your work! I recognise how much it takes and I appreciate it ❤️

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Hello Jane! And thank you for going first in your fancy dress 🤣 (this was where I meant).

Oh that desk. And the fact it was an impulse buy that has become one of your favourite things. A movable writing spot. Yes. What a thing. I’m def not already thinking how I find one of these.

Thank you for giving us a glimpse of sunny NZ. There are def tons of Emily Dickinson poems I am yet to discover too. There’s something exciting about that. Xxx

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Hello fellow poets and therefore fabulous humans!!

I am Lisa and I live in Liverpool, UK and I have just moved back to my favourite writing spot (after mostly writing at the dining table or my bed and slowly becoming less and less inspired) on the sofa in my conversatory, I am currently sitting here surrounded my my notebooks, laptop, poetry books and my favourite pens in all the world - the bic multicoloured biro!! I am of course, as is standard for me lately, covered in a blanket, which is making me feel very cosy indeed, I usually have a mug of tea on the go, but I have somehow neglected it so am making do with water because I am too comfy to move and make one (I also have ME/CFS and so am making the excuse that I am pacing myself and not over exerting, however, in this case - on a fairly well day - it is because I am too lazy!!)

The last poem I read was 'A Day is Not Lost' by Donna Ashworth and it reminds me that even in the days when 'nothing much happens' I can embrace and take joy from being alive (even on the days I don't feel well).

I do enjoy being part of this little community and am growing each week in my confidence and poetry writing, so thank you Nelly! x

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Ah Lisa we are just down (or up? across!) the road from each other. I'm in Manchester. The bic multicoloured biro. What a thing it is. I am a big Donna Ashworth fan too. What heartfelt words. I am enjoying imagining where everyone is sat immensely x

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Ah not far away at all!! 💜 x

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Hi everyone! 👋🏻

Im Kate, I live in Sale (Greater Manchester) and most of my writing is done on iPhone notes, furiously tapped out on one hand whilst either breastfeeding a 2yr old or buttoning up the uniform of another, or clutching a much needed coffee!

Every so often I like to sit down of an evening with a big glass of nice red wine and type up any poems on my laptop as I’m petrified of losing my phone and my “collection” being lost forever!

In terms of where I’m writing from today mentally/emotionally, it’s a very tired place as my littlest woke at 11pm and ended up in bed with me where he wriggled all night then was up at 5:30!!

The last poem I read was the very well known The Orange by Wendy Cope as I was looking at prints of this for my sister’s birthday next week!

Lovely to meet you all ❤️💕

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It’s an absolutely brilliant poem isn’t it. How on earth has she written something so damn simple which is so flaming good?!

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Totally looking this up to add to my (massive) pile! xx

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Kate, my boys are 8 and 12 but I remember this (here comes the cliche!!) like it was yesterday. Sending you glorious poems and lashings of gentle sleep ❤️

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Hello Everyone! I'm LeeAnn and write LeeAnn's Punctuated Poetry, which Nelly was so kind to recommend. I'm in the Bay Area, in a little neighborhood called East Richmond Heights, not far from Berkeley, California.

I have a little writing room with a writing desk that a friend made from white oak. He delivered it to me out of the blue during the pandemic. It looks out on our backyard and our redwood tree. Sometimes I write at the desk and sometimes I sit on the little sofa in the room. I like to write in bed too. But when I come to this room it's always for writing and so I feel like I'm grounded here. I work at home as an editor but I have office for that, so this room, where I'm sitting now, isn't for work; it's for me.

Right now I'm reading a book by Elizabeth Joy Levinson, Uncomfortable Ecologies. I just read a poem titled "Every poem is about my father," and it starts with the line "Is what I tell people at parties when they ask." I've gotten that question at parties: Well, what's your poetry about? Life.

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I'm not the best at keeping up with social media so I tend to read Nelly's emails and then not actually do the joining in bit on here 🙈 So here's me trying to remember! I'm Lisa, I live in Altrincham (Manchester) and I end up writing either on my laptop or in a notebook. I'm very excited because I'm getting my very own desk this week to go in the corner of our living room which means all my poetry stuff can live in one place instead of being hidden under piles of crap on the breakfast bar 😅🙈 Whether that'll actual make me write more, who knows but it might make me feel a bit more like a Proper Writer.

Last poem I read? I've just started reading The Butterfly House by the wonderful Kathryn Bevis and it has the beautifully heartbreaking My Cancer as a Ring-Tailed Lemur in it.


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Oh your own desk, that is going to be a game changer. I have a tiny cupboard and if I showed you I think you might do a sharp intake of breath. I'll just say I need a second hand ready when the door opens, ha. Very exited for you. And I haven't read that book, another recommendation. Thanks x

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The book launch is tonight on Zoom - it follows on from her pamphlet, Flamingo, which I would also very much recommend.

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Hi I’m Jess and I live in Canberra (on Ngunnawal country) in Australia.

I do my writing all over the place. My ideal spot is in my study curled up in my blue armchair which faces the window (or at my desk) with peace and quiet and a cup of tea or at a cafe with a similar atmosphere but this doesn’t often happen! Sometimes I meet up with a couple of writer parent friends to write but this is at best an hour or so a month. A lot of the time I’m jotting notes into my phone at the kitchen table/on my lunch break/outside the cubby houses at a cafe while my kids play or scribbling into my notebook while in bed because an idea strikes me just as I’m going to sleep!

The last poem I read was this morning - Starfish and Coffee by Aimee Nezhukumatathil from her collection Oceanic which I love.

Thanks for organising this community-it’s been so lovely!

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Jess I relate to every bit of this. Not the beautiful Australia bit sadly. But my phone has so many random notings from random places. My kids are always hearing, "one second, I have a line I need to write or I'll lose it!" I've never read any of Aimee Nezhukumatathil. Oh my book list is lengthening!!! So pleased you are a part of the community x

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Hey all, I’m the person who arrives at a fancy dress party dressed as ‘myself’. Just never managed to feel comfortable with dressing up.

I write sat on my sofa, surrounded by notebooks, a variety of pens (my trusty old fountain pen currently sporting purple ink, a bic four way biro in purple, pink, green and blue, a pencil and some bog standard biros) and my iPad and my laptop. The phone hangs around but I just can’t use it to write anything other than the briefest notes, it’s far too small and by the time I’ve found my notes app on it I’ve forgotten what I was going to write anyway. I have views of the glorious Yorkshire countryside outside of my window, Haworth is just there somewhere. Most often there is a cup of tea on the go too in a very tactile and huge mug.

Last poem I read was Katherine Ann Marshall’s NaPoWriMo prompted poem that came out yesterday.

I’ve very much enjoyed these last 3 months, and the best thing is that there are many more to come.

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Gorgeous, gorgeous Yorkshire. Where my first two babies were born. What a place to write. I am imagining your huge mug and it is making me smile (and also go get myself one, ha)

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Hi I am Mamie (it rhymes with Jamie) I live in Exeter, South west England. I write mainly in my recliner with a Beany tray as my desk. Since the end of last year I realised that writing in purple made me happy so I do. The last poem I read was courage is a muscle by Salem’s Godden. I am loving her book pessimism is for light weights. My plan is share my work in progress poem, I’ve been working on this week. This will be the first time I ve shared in this forum. I also have M.E/CFS like Lisa Andradez. It’s interesting that I’ve seen a number of people on here with the condition. I think it’s because it’s an inclusive place one that we can access and also feel like we belong with out to much effort. Which is so lovely.

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How lovely it is!!! And writing in purple. Equally. Oh Saleena Godden. She is so brilliant isn’t she. You’ve reminded me I need to do a follow up book club post (I don’t suppose I could tempt you to a guest book review??? 🫣) I’m looking forward to your words whenever you are ready to share. Thank you for being here x

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I would love to do a review of her book. When would you need it for?

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Oh wonderful 😊 End of April? That work? I’m thinking book club be bi-monthly so that’s work nicely… thank you x

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That’s a good time scale for me. I’ve started planning it in my head. As im dyslexic I often find having someone to proof read helpful before I launch it into the world. If my husband is still being swallowed whole by work could I run it past you first.

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I will absolutely do the proof read, no problem whatsoever. Send it my way x

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Hi everyone 😃 My name is Kate. I live in the South of England. I do my writing and reading on my sofa, which is covered in bits of paper & books and where I always lose my pens in between the cushions. As the season has changed to Spring, I've been writing more poetry. Seeing some sunshine makes me feel more inspired! Poetry - I read the new issue of Midsummer Magazine yesterday and I particularly liked a poem called Transformation by Julian Sharma.

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Hello Kate! I am a fellow pen loser. Luckily I’m a black biro girl but I honestly don’t know where they go. I’ve never checked the sofa, maybe I’m about to find them all 🤣. Lovely to have you here x

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Wow 🤩 we’re from all over the world! How amazing!

Nelly, I would love to pay you more money 😆🙏 please tell me how.

I’m Zoe, I’m from the North East of England ☺️ and have lived here pretty much my entire life.

I’m feeling a bit disenchanted with the internet just now 😅 so am having to work harder to remember to check in here. And equally really glad that I have this space. It feels like the first real online space I’ve found (outside one or two individual people) ❤️

I’m currently reading about a million poetry books, thanks to the Friday round ups 😂

‘Fetch your mother’s heart’ from Lisa Luxx is the one I’ve picked up this morning. I loved her chapbook ‘Trust your outrage’ too, her words are so powerful.

I write poems into my phone and then never really know what to do with them, though I have dreams of pamphlets and books one day, maybe 🤔

I can’t remember any of the other things I was meant to answer but thank you all for being here ❤️🙏

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Hello again my friend. Lisa Luxx is fantastic isn’t she. Her urgency for change. I’ll join you on the million poetry books 🤣. So many. And a list I’ve not even purchased yet 😳. I can’t stop. I’m so flaming excited that you have a poem about to be published. And no you must never pay more. Just the fact that you think this is worth more means the world. I’m so glad we found each other d

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Hello all! I'm here a month late, as for some reason, I love to read all the posts in order. I write mainly in my garden, tucked up on a swinging chair, with a puppy/child/blanket/brew. I started writing 10 years ago when I travelled around Aus/NZ, mainly as an outlet for my grief from living my Dad. It was all on iPhone notes, and I sent them back to my family and friends as a blog on FB along with a letter of my daily wanderings. I was so proud of them, I had them made into a book alongside photos of the lakes, beaches and mountains that I looked at as I wrote.

These days I tend to scribble my frustrations, questions, rhymes and realisations into one of about 5 notebooks that hang around my house, just incase. Its mostly about being a mum, navigating and doubting a neurodivergent mind, and now also using the poetry pals prompts.

I read poetry via this group, and I read children's poetry to my kids and my nursery class. One day il break into a real book, but for now this group is everything ❤

Nels the fact that I see you on the school run, makes me happy that I know a real poet, and has given me the confidence to start writing regularly. I need to count up my poems but im definitely enjoying the fact that I now class myself as a writer.

A long message, but a therapeutic one. ❤

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Hi all! I am a poet without a choice in the matter and I am excited to join a community of other writers. I'm Maia, and I live in a converted warehouse that has the most incredible windows. I was just given the book What the Living Do, so I can't recommend it yet, but I'm excited to get started!

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I just found this community today. I'm Susannah. I'm originally from Butte, Montana and now live in Ruokolahti, Finland (southeast Finland, the South Karelia region). I write at my writing desk taking small moments to look out over Lake Saimaa and to watch the seagulls soaring. They're somehow mesmerizing and silly all at the same time. I write in a place that will soon know no night and that light is so healing. Sunset is the darkest summer sky here. The beautiful reds and oranges last through the night. My writing desk is everything, a place to write poems, letters, and so many other activities. I write and so when I do, it's a writing desk. Works for me.

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Hello Susannah, welcome. Wow, it is so fascinating to hear where someone else writes and how that feels. It sounds beautiful. Looking forward to hopefully writing and reading some poetry together soon x

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Hi everyone, it’s *so lovely* to read more about you all and hear a bit about daily life for you. I’m in Staffordshire. I don’t have a desk but reading your posts I feel inspired to maybe look into a collapsable one 🌟. One of my children has additional needs and really struggles with sleep so most of my writing is done lying next to him, in notes on my phone. I’ve dipped into a local poetry group but being part of a group of women who write about life from our eyes and hearts is *something else.* My general observation of my local poetry group is the women apologise before reading theirs and the men advertise their collections before they read!! I’m desperate to redress the balance and hear more words of women, grow spaces that nurture our voices and hear the stories that aren’t centre stage! I have a little connection with my local Women’s Aid and a big dream to write and listen more alongside the amazing space there. Would love to connect with anyone who has a similar heart!

Am currently dipping into a collection of poems called ‘She is Fierce’ and also Nelly’s gorgeous book ‘Motherhood Minus the Medals’ 🙌

Thank you for this space Nelly, I’ve really loved the loose structure and reading all your gorgeous poetry. I think it was Zoe who wrote one week that hearing the flavour of others’ voices helps us to find our own. I love the variety and how we come at the same prompt through such different angles. I love the sense that you are writing in the gaps in your days/nights too and not as ‘content’ but as desire! So so grateful & so lovely to hear from you - existing Poetry Pals and new! xxx

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Oh this observation about the writing group Ange. Yep. It’s got me.

Hello (again). Thank you for letting us in to your writing world. These introductions (chinks in the curtains) are, I think, letting so much light in/out. I share your heart, your hopes for poetry and what might be possible (but you probably know that). As always you articulate it so clearly 🥰

And you reading my book, thank youuuu. X

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Thanks Nelly. Love the image of letting light in/out. You’re cultivating a very special thing 🌟

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Hello everyone 😊 I'm still very new here and this is my first proper post. I'm still getting to grips with everything (never used Substack before).

My introduction to the group was the live poetry reading and it was divine. It lifted my soul!

I have "scribbled" for years really, but never ever really thought that I could write poetry! So I'm probably still very much at the "imposter" / "self-doubt" stage. I'd really like to enrol onto a short writing course, just to build my confidence really.

So far I've found this group really welcoming, calming and very genuine.

I have followed Helen on social media since I had my first child almost 9 years ago! Firstly the 'Guilty Mothers Club', then her writing social medias too. Never met her in real life though, haha!

I live in South Manchester. Have two girls (age 8 and 2).

My "scribblings" are often of motherhood, often about mental health, about life...

I don't read enough poetry 😭 but follow many poets and poetry on Instagram, so at least my daily scrolling gives me a regular poetry injection! I have Sandra Cisneros' new poetry book (I read the first page before a child ran in and interrupted) . Her 'House on Mango Street' is a poetic work of art ❤️

I look forward to engaging in this group more, getting to read more poetry and building my own confidence too.

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Hellooooooo you. How have we not met when you are in South Mcr?! I’ve got an IRL thing in my head, maybe soon? And another virtual one too. I loved it. I’m so glad you’re here. I know the self doubt stage, a writing course could def help with that. And you might share something on here on a Friday? It’s the most encouraging space? X

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I'm South East Manchester. Whereas I think you're South West?

An IRL or virtual event sounds lovely. Can't wait!

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