Really, *really* love this selection Nelly. There is something so grounding in simple words that you know have taken a *lot* of distilling. Thank you for week after week of gorgeous, quality poetry and prompts 🤍

I found myself thinking this week about what matters when we look back, which led my thoughts to a lovely friend who died a few years ago…

‘Little’ Things Legacy

I don’t remember her ‘big successes,’ her exam results or her job banding.

What stays in my heart is what she loved and how she made me feel in her presence.

A legacy of ‘little’ lovely things loaded up into my being alongside the empty space of a future we’ll never share.

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This one gave me a shiver Ange. It’s a really powerful message. Thank you. I’m gonna keep this one close to me today. And I’m so sorry you lost a good friend xx

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Oh this poem ✨

I love the idea of collecting little lovely things with people ❤️

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This is so beautiful and heartbreaking.

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Love this, it took me back to my friend and mentor. Who died when I was in my early twenties and her in her late 30’s. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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Oh Nelly, these poems 👏🏼

That William Martin poem 🥲 in particular for me this week.

Then the Donna Ashworth one - I’ve been struggling to believe in recently 💔 and so I definitely needed to read those words.

I’ve had a really hard week of people sending me emails so filled with bigotry and hate and telling me how dangerous I am. I don’t really have any words so I tried to write a poem about it -

#21 Butterfly:

From age two she was glorious

twirls in fake pink lace,

glitter spinning round

and round - look at her

go, she is a magnificent

butterfly. Born something

else, you would tell her she

is wrong, an unnatural

metamorphosis. I know that

instead you are wrong and I know

also that you will not listen.

Your anger does scare me,

far beyond your backward

definition of ‘same-sex’.

But see this butterfly is

wondrous and so made

for this world, I must cover

her fragile wings with my own

vulnerability. She flies but I do so

hope one day she will be free

to soar.

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Zoe I’m so sorry you are facing this. It is so unfair and so wrong. You have lived in line with your values and you should be so proud of that. You have put your love of humanity first. It doesn’t help with how awful it all feels but I do believe that the push back comes hardest when change is on the horizon. Keep doing what you’re doing, you are incredible, but also, look after yourself. And make art from what hurts. Yes!!! That’s the way. Beautiful art. As always ❤️

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Oh that’s so horrible for you to have to bear. I never understand how they have the right to judge and then to also do so in such vitriolic ways, many air hugs.

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I’m so sorry Zoe. That sounds really hard and the hurt is deep when it’s around things you have deeply invested in and believe deeply in. Thank you for modelling “take your broken heart and turn it into art” (Carrie Fisher 🤍) to us. Sending love xxx

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Oh Zoe; I’m so sorry you are having to deal with the worst kind of humans. From our small interactions I just know you are the beautiful-it of souls so let mine and all these kind words outshine the hateful - and as someone who has an aversion to butterflies (it’s the flapping 🤷🏻‍♀️), I’m still in love with your butterfly poem 🥰

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Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️

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I'm so sorry to hear about your week. You are a butterfly.

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I'm so sorry, Zoe. That's such a lot to carry.

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Jun 14Liked by Nelly Bryce

Oh these poems Nelly. I devoured them all. Thanks for sharing. I’ve struggled to keep up with poetry recently- half terms, poorly kids etc you know the drill. But I've thoroughly enjoyed reading everything from the sidelines. An existing one from me this week...

I wonder if there's a place

Lost parts go to gather

To find themselves again

When a woman becomes a mother

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And also, yep, know the drill. Hope you get more time to play soon xx

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Me too!

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Oooof, didn’t see that last line coming ⚡️

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Brilliant Kathryn 👏

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Thanks Ange x

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I’m not sure this one completely fits the bill? But it’s something I’ve played with on and off in notes for a while so here goes:

We always come when you call,

Just as we did when you cried.

Still sometimes wearily,

Still sometimes tired & begrudgingly.

But you know when you need us,

We will come … what a knowing we provide.

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Mmmm that knowing is such a thing isn’t it. So beautiful x

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Oooh, our eldest is just starting to do more stuff away from us and this really struck a chord. Lovely words xx

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Thank you for these poems. I think I need to reread Good regularly.

I struggled with this and another prompt this week, so I sort of combined them, but also am not quite sure I hit the mark with either one - but I wrote something and that matters.

Do the ants hear

the creaking of a peony

as the petals slowly spread open

at the head of their hefty blooms,

always under threat of toppling, understanding the stakes laid

at their base, and deigning to rest

against their better judgement?

So much energy goes into

performing their show

that by the end of it, they can't

even hold themselves up.

So beautiful, aren't they?

Yet so pitiful.

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Oh. Oh. I need to read this again a good few times!!!

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Thank you! I'm just realizing I copied and pasted it, for the second time, with the same weird line that was meant to be two.🙈

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You capture the generous, fleeting show so beautifully. I love the line ‘the creaking of a peony’ 🥰

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Looking out of my window I can see my beautiful red peony bloom that is struggling to stand and lying pitifully on the ground. This captures it completely

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I wanted to get on earlier but the day did not cooperate with my plans. I loved this prompt. Isn't this what so much of the best poetry does? Making the difficult bearable. This is one little poem about those moments of intimacy I turn away from so often.


Rain thundering on the roof

as he lay on the bed with

the cat I could have slipped in

behind him

wrapped my arms around his waist

but I let the moment pass

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I am in love with this one LeeAnn. So simple. So powerful.

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Thanks so much. It can be so hard to write about. All those moments I let pass.

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This is a beauty 🌟

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Thanks so much, Ange.

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This is stunning.

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Thanks. Yours was wonderful too.

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Here is my offering, not written this week, I’m afraid, as it’s been a bit of a doozy health wise (again, yes I’m bored of it too).




Oh, I want to feel hope.

That strange joy bubbling in me,

Ringing in my ears

Fluttering in my chest

Oh, I want to feel it

But I daren’t; I can’t; I mustn’t.

The ‘what if’s haunt me

Drag me down.

I’m scared to feel her.

Oh, I want to feel hope.

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I know this feeling. You captured it well. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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Thank you. This too will pass.

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Beautiful Tamsin. I love the lovely bookends of the first and last lines. ‘The strange joy bubbling in me’ 🤍. Sorry it’s been a tough week xx

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Thank you. Tough weeks pass luckily (normally)

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The directness is so refreshing. “Do not ask your children to strive” is my favorite of the bunch, but they all hit the mark for me. “Joy” was maybe the most elusive of the bunch, though. My brain is tired so it was less able to move along with that one.

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Isn’t it. That’s the word, directness!! X

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