I’m Nelly. Poet, writer, mum of four and massive cake lover. I published my first book of poetry in 2021 - Motherhood Minus the Medals. I also design poetry prints and run workshops on journaling. I am a committed book hoarder, fiercely feminist and can be annoyingly enthusiastic, ha.
Over the last three years I’ve been writing (attempting to write) 100 poems a year. In January I decided to start sharing this project here on Substack. You can find out more about it here.
I also hoped to bring together women (including non-binary folk and those who identify as women) who want to read and write more poetry. Especially poetry that doesn’t require a dictionary. And so Poetry Pals was born.
Poetry Pals is like receiving a letter each week from a pal who knows you like poetry.
Every Sunday morning you’ll receive a poem I hope you’ll like and some inspiration to pick up the pen in the form of a writing prompt. Sometimes I write these and other times they’ll come from a guest poet. The weekly rhythm remains but the content of the Poetry (pen) Pal letters is gorgeously creative - playful one week, abstract the next, one guest poet shares a particular form to try, another the story behind why they write.
On a Friday I then send out a follow up post - the Friday Round Up. Yet more great poetry to read and also a chance to share your own words - any poetry you’ve written (scraps of poems, ideas for poems, half-written poems are all welcome) and any poetry you’ve discovered over the week or on that weeks theme. You can read all the past Friday Round Up posts and see how generous and encouraging this group is on the Community tab here.
“Nelly’s poetry club is my favourite space in the internet right now. My soul is nourished in poetic and encouraging words every week.” - Colleen Verhamme
Paid subscribers also receive additional posts on the Year of 100 Poems, poetry book chat and the option to attend live events. Fancy reading or listening to some poetry out loud? Discussing poetry over coffee (wine/orange squash/whiskey sour?) Oooh yes me too. Plus you’ll be supporting the time it takes to write of this newsletter - which I’ll be honest is a fairly large undertaking (looks up from head on desk!)
Read along. Write along. Join the community by becoming a paid subscriber. You are very welcome on any front.
Hopefully hang out soon…